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Potty Training in 3 days- the Ninja Mom Way...

Ok follow these steps- (Which is the BABY WISE Potty training method) and you will never buy diapers again..

1) Chose a weekend (pref a 3 day weekend).   Nothing can be going on that weekend... literally... you will be on lockdown for 2-3 days.  No cell phone, no computers, NOTHING!  You will be monitoring your child next to him for 2-3 days straight!

2) Wait until your tot is able to rationalize this whole thing.  So many want to start at 2 years 3 mo, etc.  That's crap.. I potty trained at 2 years 10mo with both my boys-- we had meaningful conversations like "Hey,  you want to be done with diapers?"   "Are you ready to pee/poop in the toilet?"  They were able to successfully communicate and understand what was going to happen.

3) This whole thing starts 7-14 days before.  You get them psyched about the last day they will be in a diaper.  You mention them becoming a big boy/girl on ___ day when they start potty training.

4) The night before you start you take them to the store and you go find/buy EVERYTHING they want.   Snacks, candy, stickers, boxes of band-aids (because my son loves them and thinks they are fun).    You also buy salty snacks and tons of juice!       AND-- big kid undies THEY chose themselves.  You need at least 7 pair!    You then put these things out in the kitchen and tell him that he gets them when he goes Pee/poo in the toilet.   (See how the bribery works?)

5) They go to sleep... excited for the next day.

6) You get up before and get ready.  Get a big cup of coffee in you...  Wake up the child.    Take him to the restroom and have him sit on the potty chair (pref one that sings- the more annoying the better).  He will probably NOT go pee, but.. keep him there in the excitement.  He then takes off the diaper and you throw it away (make this a big deal), and put the new big boy underware on him.   OK.. here you go...  You explain PEE and POO go in the toilet, and he needs to keep his new big boy undies DRY and CLEAN!  (you will say the words DRY and CLEAN 1000 times over the next month).   Get a doll/stuffed animal, show him how they pee/poo... etc.   Make this fun!  

7)  Set timer for 10 minutes... follow him around  (at this point there is a good chance for an accident)-- so many when playing they are sitting on a towel :)    He drinks as much juice as possible.

8) When timer goes off  "ARE YOU CLEAN AND DRY?"  YES!  YAY you get a ______ (jellybean, skittle, m&m--whatever he chose the night before at the store).   Then immediately take him to the potty chair and sit him down.  He must stay there 5 whole minutes.  (this is important!  Once they get relaxed enough on the toilet- they will poop and pee more).    Hopefully your kid will pee at this point.. if not-- after 5 minutes.  Repeat the process (10 min).  BUT if they do PEE-- SING A SONG, DANCE.. MAKE A FREAKING PARTY OUT OF IT.    Then set time for 15 minutes.   He drinks more juice!  And can snack/eat whatever.

9) When timer goes off-  REPEAT--  Are you Dry and Clean?  YES, they get a jellybean!  YAY!  Dry and clean  =(mini party)--  Then go back to toilet for 5 minutes.   Hand him ipad.. do whatever it takes to keep him sitting for 5 minutes.   No pee-  do not reward.  just cheer that he stayed on toilet for that long.

10)  keep repeating!   We had 2 accidents day one.  By 10:30am--he figured out the routine and we figured he peed every 45 minutes approx.  

11) Nap/Sleep = a pull up :)

12)  DAY #2-  same thing in the morning-- then lengthen the timer to 30-40 minutes between potty sits.

13)  DAY #3- he should now be walking into the potty room when he needs to go.  You still are monitoring, but going longer in between. Keep rewarding...  DRY and CLEAN?  

14) By day 5 they are telling you when they have to go, and there should be no need to use a timer.

Today is day 10 for my 2 year old and he hasn't had an accident in 2 days, he likes the big toilet and it telling us when he has to go.    We had our first family outing to a baseball game on Saturday and I just took him to the restroom every hour.    I carry the toilet seat, towels, and changes of clothing in a bag..  accident ready!

I love this because it rewards staying dry, and going pee/poo on the toilet.   The poo happens when you keep them there for 5 long minutes.  If you know your kid poops at 9am most days-- they keep them on toilet longer at that time, and sit him down every 10 minutes...  so he is successful.

SO:  Sit on toilet 5 minutes.
- 15 minutes OFF toilet-   then "are you dry and clean"  reward
- 5 minutes they sit on toilet-  if pee/poop = reward
-15 min off toilet- then ask  are you dry/clean?
REPEAT and you can make 15 minutes 20-45 minutes as the weekend progresses.

THERE WILL BE ACCIDENTS-- they will need to get used to the routine- but once they pee that first time in the toilet--- it's magic... start the timer.

Note: put your cell phone down.  You need to be fully engaged with your toddler for this to work.  The moment you become engrossed in something, they will have an accident (Murphy's law).  On day 5 my tot was upstairs playing- pooped his pants.  Whoops, my fault!



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